From forest management to value creation, all in one integrated process.
A practical model for the entire country.

Forests were once central to human life—providing food, timber, fuel, and fertilizer, and serving as playgrounds for children.
By finding new value in trees, forests will once again play a central role in regional development.
We will create a “model for the relationship between people and forests” in the southeast of Shikoku, and deliver this model to the rest of Japan.


  • Forest Management Business

    We will create sustainable forests through practices that are both economically viable and environmentally sustainable, by inheriting the philosophy and techniques of "Koriki forestry."

    • Forest Resource Assessment
    • Road and Path Construction
    • Afforestation
    • Logging
  • Product Business

    We deliver products that utilize local resources, with a focus on native evergreen trees such as Ubame oak and other oaks.

    • Production and sale of “Binchotan” charcoal
    • Production and sale of firewood
    • Manufacture and sale of wooden products
    • Processing and sale of timber
  • Program Business

    We will develop and offer forest experience and wood education programs.

  • Resource Assessment Support Project

    We will support the creation of forest-related populations in each region by leveraging the environmental, cultural, and human resources of each area, drawing on our expertise from the southeast of Shikoku.